Heads of State

In honor of our election day, here are some previous heads of state.

Oh, and the Beatles.


  1. Vishal Bali says:

    I liked the one with the bird on John’s head and Teddy can they us hiding behind the dumpster.

    Where is this place btw?

    • You’ll never believe it – this is a location that I’d stumbled upon accidentally. You can see a few of the pieces from a parking lot, and the other evening after work, curiosity got the better of me. I parked the car and walked over behind the buildings, following the trail of heads and headless shoulders.

      I never expected there to be so many, much less the sheer size of the Beatles statue. If they haven’t moved them all or blocked it off, can show you sometime. I totally felt like a criminal sneaking in there for the pictures, but I couldn’t help myself 🙂

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