Slambook – History 101

For those not in the know, or the post technorati teens, a slambook is a single notebook that you’d write up with all your gossip, jokes, dirty pictures, stories and just all around venting shit, and then quickly pass it to your friends in the school hallway between classes for them to read, and then add THEIR stuff to… sort of an offline facebook, only raunchier, funnier, and always dangerous if you got caught.

Suck that, facebook – paper and pen is still mightier than the fingerswipe.

Hey, for those readers outside the US – did you guys have slambooks too?

So without any further mussin’ around, here’s the first of many pages from one of the leftovers of youth…


  1. It is funny and cute………..but I did not get the fourth one……….may you need to explain it to me………..Jojo !!

    • I think the context of the ‘conversation’ preserved here is lost in time, but the sentiment remains, as if my slambook became forgetful because it really was exposed to ether and a towel…

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